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China, Republic of Korea and Japan in the Arctic: politics, economy, security

Valeriy P. Zhuravel

Specific entry: The Arctic Twenty: 12 observer countries of the Arctic Council

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China, South Korea and Japan are actively pursuing scientific, economic and political activities for the development of the Arctic, the Arctic resources, ensure security in it, seeking to increase its role in the Arctic Council, cooperating and competing-Rui with other countries. The paper stresses that China is in the final stage of preparation of its Arctic strategy, however, it is noted that the Arctic is important for China, but not a top priority of its foreign policy. The priorities of the Republic of Korea in the development and exploration of the Arctic, as shown by the analysis conducted by, yavlyutsya: research, the use of the Northern Sea Route for the transportation, receipt of orders from Arctic countries for Korean shipyards for the construction of offshore oil platforms, special vessels and icebreakers; development of relations with Russia. Japan is a growing interest in the Northern Sea Route, scientific research in the Arctic. We consider Japan's attempts to resolve the territorial issue with Russia. Japan's Ministry of Foreign Affairs supports the establishment of a new international structure in the Arctic, which was formed not on a geographical basis, and by the presence of economic interests in the region. Seoul supports the establishment, together with Russia a regional mechanism of multilateral cooperation in the Arctic, with the code name “Asia-Pacific Arctic Council”.

About authors

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, associate professor, leading researcher of the Nordic Center, Institute of Europe of the RAS.


Arctic, China, South Korea, Japan, the Arctic Council, observer states, interests, scientific research, the Northern Sea Route





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