Об издании Редакционная политикаАвторам Архив Поиск Арктические новости Арктическая энциклопедия


International environmental cooperation in the Arctic

Vasiliy P. Koval, Dmitry N. Lyzhin

Specific entry: Conservation of the Cultural and Natural Environment of the Arctic

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Key challenges and threats to the Arctic environment are associated with progressive pollution and degradation of environmental components in the face of increasing anthropogenic load, the accumulation of waste, climate change and others. International cooperation in the field of envi-ronmental safety, unprecedented speed and energy cooperation in the Arctic can serve as a positive example and a lesson for humanity. An important role in environmental cooperation play an international environmental organization, the Arctic Council, states. On the con-Jania co-operation affects contradictory trends determining the current state of international co-relations. It is concluded that joint efforts need to create a system of global interaction, which, taking into account the interests of all parties, would be enabled to make rational use of natural resources in the Arctic.

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Arctic, environment, international cooperation





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