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The Second International Arctic Vegetation Archive and Classification Workshop, Prague, Czech Republic, 30–31 March 2017

Natalia Е. Koroleva

Specific entry: Reviews

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Here we present a brief overview of events and presentations at the International Arctic Vegetation Archive and Classification Workshop, held in Prague, the capital of the Czech Republic, on 30–31 March 2017. The purpose of the workshop was to collect and process data about the Arctic vegetation. The data supposed to be presented in a standard format for subsequent classification and analysis. Twenty-nine scientists from most of the Arctic states were among the participants of the workshop. They presented an overview of existing databases on vegetation, discussed the possibility of sharing and pooling of data as well as possible ways of classification for the pan-Arctic vegetation.

About authors

Cand. Sci. (Biol.), Senior Researcher of the Laboratory of flora and vegetation. Polar-Alpine Botanical Garden-Institute named after N.A. Avrorin of KSC RAS, Kirovsk, Russia.


the Arctic, conference, classifications, databases, vegetation





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