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Development of regional business cooperation: the experience of Northern Norway and how it can be applied to Russia

Mineev A.A.

Specific entry: Social and Economic Development

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The northern regions of Norway and Russia have similar issues: new mega-projects for the development of oil and gas fields and infrastructure are not only an opportunity but also a challenge for the de-velopment of regional small and medium-size enterprises. To connect to projects, regional enterprises need to increase their competencies and find opportunities for cooperation with each other. The article presents the results of a study of the formation of a regional business alliance in Northern Norway. Further, it offers an analysis of the possibility of applying the North Norwegian experience to Russia. It is concluded that, although from a theoretical point of view, this is difficult, the prerequisites for the successful application of the studied experience exist in the Arkhangelsk Oblast and the Murmansk Oblast. Two business associations are successfully operating there. They were built considering the Norwegian experience, but with the active participation of local industry and authorities, as well as accounting regional specifics, values, and traditions. It is a powerful foundation for the further development of business cooperation. The article contains several recommendations for such forms of collaboration. It is proposed to pay attention to the following: qualification of the coordinator, public-private financing scheme, openness and integration of the project, primary importance of technological cooperation idea and secondary significance of the legal form to be chosen.

About authors

Andrey A. MINEEV: PhD in Business Economics, Researcher
Nord University Business School, Bodø, Norway


Business cooperation, regional businesses, High North, Norway, Russia





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