Об издании Редакционная политикаАвторам Архив Поиск Арктические новости Арктическая энциклопедия


Putin’s breakthrough in Arctic

Lukin Y. F.

Specific entry: Geopolitics

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Ecology, Economy, Security of Russian Arctic − are the strategic and important steps in 2012. It is the beginning of the general cleaning of the Arctic. The Arctic shelf of Russia, Prirazlomnoye. ‛NK ‛Rosneft’: policy towards the strategic partnership with ExxonMobil, Eni and Statoil. To be strong – is the guarantee of the national security.

About authors

Lukin Yuri Fedorovich, Doctor of History, professor, honored worker of Higher education in Russian Federation. Contact phone: +7 (8182) 68 34 47. E-mail: ylukin@atnet.ru.


Arctic, ecology, policy, Putin, shelf, modernization


