Об издании Редакционная политикаАвторам Архив Поиск Арктические новости Арктическая энциклопедия


Who cultivated Russian North? Objection to the Norwegian author

Fedorov P. V.

Specific entry: New Publications

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Based on the critical analysis of the book Ingve Astrup ‛Norwegian timber merchants – are the pioneers of the Russian Belomorye in the years of 1880−1930’. In the article analyzes the modern trends of Norwegian historiography about the coverage of the issues of the Russian-Norwegian relations.

About authors

Fedorov Pavel Viktorovich, Doctor of History, Professor of the Department of History, Vice-rector of the scientific research in Murmansk State Humanitarian University. Contact phone: +7 (8152) 21 38 39. E-mail: City-Murmansk@yandex.ru.


Russian-Norwegian relations, historiography, Norway, Russian North, Russian Belomorye, exploration, timber industry


