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Migration and family-marriage relationships – are the challenges of modern time: Gender aspect (according to the sociological researchers)

Vinokurova D. M.

Specific entry: Social Sciences

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The article is based on the sociological studies, found a tendency of reducing family of the family values, changes in the distribution of the family duties of spouses, the role of women in the migration in industrialization.

About authors

Vinokurova Dekabrina Mikhailovna, Ph. D. in Sociology, Associate professor, Senior Research Fellow of the Department of the ethno-social Institute of the Humanities and the Indigenous Peo-ples of the North of the Siberian Branch of the RAS. Contact phone: +7 (4112) 35 41 76. E-mail: dorofdm1@yandex.ru.


family values, unregistered marriages, family roles of spouses, marital experience, the role of women in the migration


