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Activization of cultural regionsdevelopment through cooperation With foreign countries in a context of Arctic regionsdevelopment

Okunev Y.

Specific entry: Socio-cultural landscape of the Arctic and the North

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The problems of historical and cultural monuments are connected
with solving ecological problems, combination of the
national and international, class and common to all mankind
in modern culture. Exposure of unique features of Russian
inhabitants and other peoples, culture gives opportunity
to use the achievements of the past in modern culture. The special value of historical and cultural
monuments of the Extreme North is connected with the little number of written sources on
ancient history of this region, lack of writing traditions of Northern peoples, small number of
sources of early period of Russian Arstic navigation, lack of Log-books and diaries, a lot of unsettled
questions of tragic death of members of dirferent polar expeditions.

About authors

Okunev Yuri, doctor of cultural science, professor of
Northern (Arctic) Federal University named by M. V. Lomonosov,
the scientifically-educational center «Institute of Arctic
Contact Phones: 8 (8182) 68-11-71, 8 (8182) 23-65-75 (home).
E-mail: 75pavel@atknet.ru.


the development of culture, Barentsev Evro-Arсtic region, international cooperation, Barents- program


