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Migration intentions of the Arctic youth in the context of subjective evaluations of the social wellbeing

Olga V. Osipova, Elena G. Maklashova

Specific entry: Economics, Political Science, Society and Culture

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The purpose of this article is to present the results of the sociological study of the social well-being of young people who live in the North of Yakutia. This article focuses on two main issues: analysis of the migration intentions of youth and evaluation of the quality of life of Yakut Arctic. The authors are setting the relationship between demographics, migration intentions and social well-being. On the basis of sociological data in the article conclusions are made about about existence of dissatisfaction among young people and generally unfavourable situation in terms of maintaining the demographic balance in the North of Yakutia. In addition, the authors offer some recommendations aimed at fixation of the Arctic’s population, which are based on the results of the questionnaire.

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youth, Yakut Arctic, migration, quality of life, measures to improve the life in the Arctic




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