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Ethnonational policy of the Komi Republic: normative and infrastructural support

Oleg V. Minchuk

Specific entry: Economics, Political Science, Society and Culture

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The territory of the municipality of the city district "Vorkuta" is referred to the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation in the Komi Republic. It is not necessary to talk about some specific "Arctic" ethno-national policy in that municipality, different from the model of the national scale. Therefore, ethno-national policy is analyzed in general for the whole Republic, and then its features are revealed in the municipality "Vorkuta," which is the part of the Russian Arctic. The analysis of the list of regulating and strategic documents reflecting the specifics of the matter, together with an extensive existing infrastructure, allows to conclude about the formation of a regional model of ethnic policy in the Komi Republic. In addition, the incoordination of a number of documents is noted, as well as some inconsistencies of ethno policy to federal standards. Ethno policy in municipality "Vorkuta" is generally carried out in the framework of a regional trend. Standard maintenance includes various municipal programs and plans. The conclusion about the need to improve the conceptual foundations of the Arctic vector of ethno policy has been made.

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Komi Republic, Vorkuta, ethnonational policy





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