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Critical evaluation of the Roan wind farm (part of the Fosen wind project) from an impact assessment standpoint

Aleksey I. Patonia

Specific entry: Economics, Political Science, Society and Culture

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The paper views the Roan wind farm, which is a part of the Fosen Vind Project — the biggest planned onshore wind farm in Europe — from an impact assessment standpoint. Using the traditional stages of the impact assessment (such as screening, scoping and identification of the baseline conditions and crucial impacts), the research implements the ‘traffic light system’ to assess the magnitude of the core effects of the project on different dimensions — i.e. society and nature. Even though the previously conducted assessment describes the project as an extremely successful one with huge potential of generating sustainable energy, the current analysis reveals some of its greatest shortcomings. Social and wildlife aspects are its major drawbacks: the construction site is on the grounds used for the summer grazing by the Saami reindeers and the height and number of turbines significantly threatens migrating birds. Thus, even though the project happens to be economically attractive, it is a rather controversial undertaking when viewed from social and natural perspectives. The paper thus presents many solutions for the minimization of these negative impacts.

About authors

MSc in Sustainable Development, MSc in International Management (Oil and Gas). University of St. Andrews / University of Liverpool, United Kingdom.


Roan wind farm, Fosen Vind Project, impact assessment, reindeer herding





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