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The Arctic society under the environmental and climate change (based on survey results)

Mikhaylova G.V.

Specific entry: Northern and Arctic Societies

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Changes of the environment and climate have different local consequences in the Arctic. The article presents the research results of these impacts on traditional nature management in the perception of residents of the Nenets Autonomous District. The materials of nine focus groups and expert interviews were conducted in 2014, 2015, 2017 in the town of Naryan-Mar and two rural settlements on the island of Kolguev and Kanin Peninsula. The author reveals some reasons for the negative impact on reindeer herd-ing: changes in the vegetation cover of tundra and populations of animals and the birds there; changes in the diet of deer; deterioration of accessibility of snow-covered forages; irrational use of deer pastures; pollution of tundra by industrial debris and waste. Hunters noted a reduction in the period of the spring hunting, deterioration in the availability of hunting resources, a decrease in the number of geese and a shift in their migration routes due to changes in the ice regime. A reduction in the number of valuable fish species is typical for fisheries. It is associated with contamination and shallowing of water bodies, an increase in water temperature and excessive fish production. Climate change positively influences the diversity and productivity of wild resources, but intensive harvesting worsens the condition of the berry. A decrease in the quality of the natural resources traditionally used by the population was observed. It increases the degree of discomfort in the remote territories of the Arctic.

About authors

Galina V. Mikhaylova: Cand. Sci. (Ped.), senior researcher. The RAS Federal center for integrated Arctic research named after N.P. Laverov, Arkhangelsk, Russia


the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation, public opinion, traditional nature management, the state of the natural environment, climate change, natural resources





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