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Performance of an ethno cultural landscape of Arctic regions in global and regional measurements

Lukin Yury F.

Specific entry: Cultural science, ethnic and cultural landscape

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About authors

© Lukin Yury F., doctor of historical sciences, professor, director Institute of management and sciences about region, scientifically-educational centre «Institute of Arctic regions». The head of a scientific direction «Geopolitical, spiritually-tsivilizatsionnye, socially-economic, ethno cultural problems of Arctic regions and the North of Russia in global and regional measurements». The author of 235 publications, including 12 monographers «Great repartition of Arctic regions» (2010); «New Arkhangelsk annals» (2008); «Global society self-government of communities» (2006), etc., the textbook for high schools «Conflictology: management of conflicts» (2007), 5 manuals. E-mail: mba@pomorsu.ru.



