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Prospects of cooperation between Russia and North-East Asian countries in the Arctic region

Voronenko A.L., Greizik S.V.

Specific entry: Political Processes and Institutions

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Significant increase in global attention to the Arctic, as well as the intensive development of technologies for its study, makes the cooperation between various countries increasingly important. The article discusses the history and current interaction in the Arctic region between Russia (and its predecessor, the USSR) with North-East Asia (NEA) — China, Japan, and the Republic of Korea. The author noted the increasing scientific and practical interest of the NEA countries to study the Arctic, analyzed it and main aspirations of these countries to cooperate with Russia. Also, the author reviewed the most significant internal laws and regulations governing their activities in the Arctic. It was concluded that the high prospects for cooperation between the countries of Northeast Asia and Russia occur. Main directions of possible interaction in the region are presented in the article along with the highlighted unique position of the Russian Far East as one of the critical links.

About authors

Aleksandr L. VORONENKO: Head of the Research Sector
Khabarovsk State University of Economics and Law, Khabarovsk, Russia

Sergei V. GREIZIK: Junior Research Fellow
Khabarovsk State University of Economics and Law, Khabarovsk, Russia


the Arctic region, North-East Asia (NEA), the Northern Sea Route (NSR), the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation (AZRF), Initiative “One Belt — One Road, ” the Far East of the Russian Federation, Territory of Advanced Socio-Economic Development (TASED)





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