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Branding of the Arctic Tourism Destinations in Russia

Timoshenko D.S.

Specific entry: Northern and Arctic Societies

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The study deals with the issues of tourism destinations branding, as well as tourism multidimensionality and tourism destination identity in the Russian Arctic. The factors determining the promotion and branding of tourist destinations in the Russian Arctic are considered in correlation with the fundamental principles of sustainability in Arctic tourism. The relationship between state policy and socio-economic development of the Arctic regions of Russia is considered, in particular, in the aspects of Arctic tourism development. Dialectical, logical, theoretical and empirical methods were conducted for this research. The article defines the conditions for increasing the competitiveness of the domestic tourism product in the Arctic, lists tourism facilities, territories and tourism products that are of the most expressed interest to Russian and foreign tourists. The factors affecting the competitiveness of the tourism product in the Russian Arctic are identified. The article presents the components of the tourist destinations image in the Russian Arctic, which may become the basis for the formation of a strategy for branding tourism in the Arctic regions. The conclusion is drawn about the need for an umbrella brand creation for the Russian Arctic. The necessity of creating conditions for the professional implementation of tourist personnel in the Arctic regions of Russia and the influx of labour resources from urbanised and oversaturated territories to the Arctic with the aim of the integrated development of tourism is substantiated.

About authors

Diana S. TIMOSHENKO, Cand. Sci. (Man. Econ.), associate professor, member of the Russian Geographical Society 
Voronezh State University, Voronezh, Russia


the Russian Arctic, Arctic tourism, tourism destination branding, sustainable tourism development





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