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Educational status of the Youth of the Indigenous Peoples of the North: the gender context

Popova A.

Specific entry: Socio-cultural landscape of the Arctic and the North

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The article reports on gender differences of educational status of the youth of the indigenous peoples of the North, analyzes the factor of becoming a professional and motivation for professional education. Young women of the North aimed at obtaining a professional education and expansion of social opportunities, while young men are guided by traditional ways of life. Educational status of young northerners defines their gender stratification.

About authors

Popova Alyona, the scientific employee of Institute of Humanitarian Researches and Problems of the small people of the North of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science, sector of ethnosociology. Priority research topics: ethnic sociology, ethno-social processes, social adaptation, sociology of youth, gender sociology, sociology of the family, demography of Indigenous Peoples of the North.
Contact Phone: 8 (4112) 35-41- 76.
E-mail: algepo@mail.ru.


educational status, the youth of the indigenous peoples, gender differences, gender asymmetry, gender stratification


