Об издании Редакционная политикаАвторам Архив Поиск Арктические новости Арктическая энциклопедия


No. 41

2020 год

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Social and Economic Development

Badylevich R.V., Verbinenko E.A.

Analysis of Participation of Banking Institutions in the Strategic Development Programs of the Russian Arctic

Vasilyev A.M.

Features of Clustering in Fisheries by the Example of Fisheries in the Northern Basin and the Murmansk Oblast

Dyadik N.V., Chapargina A.N.

Business and Government: Environmental and Economic Responsibility in the Russian Arctic

Egorov N.E., Kovrov G.S.

Comparative Assessment of Innovative Development of the Far North Regions

Rodnina N.V.

Problems of the Arctic Traditional Industries in Yakutia

Skufina T.P., Mitroshina M.N.

Transformation of the Socio-Economic Space of the Russian Arctic in the Context of Geopolitics, Macroeconomics, and Internal Factors of Development

Political Processes and Institutions

Gagiev N.N., Goncharenko L.P., Sybachin S.A., Shestakova A.A.

National Projects in the Arctic Zone of the Russian Federation

Gudev P.A.

The Northern Sea Route: Problems of National Status Legitimization under International Law. Part II

Krasnopolskiy B.Kh.

Coordination of International Organizations of the North-Arctic Regions: to the Program of the Presidency of the Russian Federation in the Arctic Council

Northern and Arctic Societies

Nedoseka E.V., Karbainov N.I.

“Dying” or “New Life” of Single-Industry Towns (the Case Study of Socio-economic Adaptation of Residents of Single-industry Settlements in the North-West of Russia)

Patonia А.

Trust in Ultima Thules: Social Capital and Renewable Energy Development in Iceland and Greenland

Pitukhina M.A.

Internationalization of Vocational Education in the Arctic Council Member-States’ Universities

Russova O.N., Smak Т.S., Tarasov I.A.

Assessment of the Comfort of the Urban Environment as a Factor in the Social Well-Being of Citizens of the Arkhangelsk Oblast

Suvorova I.M.

Axiological Preferences of Residents of the Karelian Arctic in the Modern Sociocultural Situation

Tereshchenko E.Yu.

Eastern Murman: Social Aspects of Colonization in the Materials of Expeditions and Travel Notes of the 2nd Half of the 19th — Early 20th Centuries