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No. 46

2022 год

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Social and Economic Development

Volkov A.D., Tishkov S.V.

Strategic Development Priorities for the Karelian Arctic Region in the Context of the Russian Arctic Zone Economic Space Integration

Vopilovskiy S.S.

Foreign Economic Partners of Russia in the Arctic Zone

Kuznetsova M.N., Vasilyeva A.S.

Assessment of the Influence of Growth Factors on the Gross Regional Product on the Example of Arkhangelsk Oblast

Tsukerman V.A., Goryachevskaya E.S.

Resource Potential for Innovation Development of the Russian Arctic Industry: Assessment and Significance

Political Processes and Institutions

Grigorishchin A.V., Sorokina T.Yu., Zadorin M.Yu., Yakhyaev D.B., Bashkina I.E.

Economical and Legal Barriers and Its Potential Overcoming During the Northern Sea Route Exploitation in the Context of Pan-Asian Trade

Northern and Arctic Societies

Gasnikova А.А.

Regional State Programs as an Energy Supply Development Tool in the Russian Arctic

Zaikov K.S., Kondratov N.A.

Features of the Arctic Policy of the United States and Canada and the Contribution of Their Northern Universities in Its Implementation

Regeta A.I., Malinina K.O., Maksimov A.M.

On the Conceptual Model of Balanced Socio-Economic Development of the Arctic Territories

Tutygin A.G., Chizhova L.A., Lovdin E.N.

Assessment of the Socio-Economic Situation in the Arctic Municipal Districts of the Arkhangelsk Oblast Based on the Target Model

Tsvetkov A.Yu.

Logistic Basis for the Development of Arctic Tourism in Russia

Reviews and Reports

Vasileva O.V.

Is the Extraction of Fossil Mammoth Bone a Form of Traditional Nature Management?

Zhuravel V.P.

The Arctic Council: Main Development Milestones (To the Twenty-Fifth Anniversary of the Council's Founding)

Polikarpov A.M., Bondareva L.M., Kibardina S.M., Polikarpova E.V., Zemtsovskaya E.N.

A Linguosemiotic Study of Nominations of Northern Lights in Russian and German

Rykova V.V.

Study and Development of the Northern Sea Route: Analysis of the Document Corpus of “Scientific Sibirica” Database